Shiu Pong College Students Participating in YUNA Symposium


Shiu Pong College students were invited to participate in the YUNA (Yale University – New Asia College) Symposium at New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on March 16, 2016. Besides Shiu Pong College, Zhongshan University was also invited to this annual joint event between Yale University and New Asia College, which began 20 years ago. Three research reports were presented by the Yale students at the Symposium on the theme of “National Identity and Citizenship”. Through asking follow up questions during the Q&A sessions after the presentations, Shiu Pong students proactively engaged themselves in this international academic exchange between the four institutions.

The Shiu Pong group of 11 students were led by Prof. Leung, the Master of Shiu Pong College, and his wife. Upon arriving Hong Kong, students from New Asia College brought us to their campus for a tour, showing us around and introducing its history. We visited their museum, library and student activities center. During lunch gathering, we had a chance to converse with the Yale students in English, chatting about perspectives on academic pursuit.

This was indeed an invaluable learning experience for us to be able to participate in this academic exchange with students from three prestigious universities.

By Albert and Emily


紹邦書院應邀參加 YUNA Symposium

     紹邦書院應香港中文大學新亞書院邀請,於2016年3月16日星期三,參加由新亞書院和美國耶魯大學合辦的第二十一屆 YUNA (Yale Univeristy-New Asia College) Symposium 活動。除了紹邦書院,中山大學也應邀出席。耶魯大學的同學們就 “National Identity and Citizenship” 主題進行了三個精彩的演講。而紹邦書院的同學們在演講後的問答環節裏十分積極提問,活潑地參與了四地大學生的學術交流活動。

這次活動在中文大學新亞書院舉行,由紹邦書院梁院長及院長夫人帶領我們十一名同學前往參加。到達香港後,新亞書院的學生帶領我們參觀了書院校史館,圖書館和學生活動中心。中午,我們在書院和來自耶魯大學,中山大學和香港中文大學的同學們共進午餐,並愉快地以英語交談,分享自己的經歷,探討不同地區的文化差異。下午,YUNA Symposium正式開始,由耶魯大學的同學們演講。




New Asia College Head, Professor Henry Wong, delivering a  welcome speech 新亞書院院長黃乃正教授致歡迎詞

New Asia College Head, Professor Henry Wong, delivering a welcome speech

SPC students interacting with the former Director of Yale-in-China, Mr. Mark Sheldon 紹邦書院學生與前任雅禮協會主任Mark Sheldon先生在新亞書院的院校史館裏互動

SPC students interacting with the former Director of Yale-in-China, Mr. Mark Sheldon
紹邦書院學生與前任雅禮協會主任Mark Sheldon先生在新亞書院的院校史館裏互動

SPCers exchanging perspectives on academic pursuit with Yale students during the lunch gathering 紹邦書院學生與耶魯大學學生在午餐時間交換對學術追求的看法

SPCers exchanging perspectives on academic pursuit with Yale students during the lunch gathering

SPC student, Mandy Hong, asking a question during the Q&A session 紹邦書院學生熊嘉敏在答問環節中提出發問

SPC student, Mandy Hong, asking a question during the Q&A session


A closing group picture with all students and executive leaders from the four participating institutions 集合四所大學學院全體學生與行政領導的結束大合照

A closing group picture with all students and executive leaders from the four participating institutions