Anti-scam Short Film Made by Shiu Pong College Students Won Award

On the evening of October 18, 2023, the First “Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition” co-organized by the Student Affairs Office of the University of Macau and the Communication Society of the University of Macau Students’ Union, was finally decided. The “New Scam Syndicate”, a team composed of some Shiu Pong College members, entered the finals and won the 1st runner-up with their work named “Black Box Theater”. This team consists of TONG HOU UN, WONG CHON, LIU XIN, TIAN YE, LI XIANG, CHU CHON HANG and other members of the Communication Working Group of SPC House Association. Through vivid storylines, well-acted performances and meticulous post-production, their short film highlights changeable methods of fraud and the strong impact after being defrauded, thereby demonstrating the huge harm of scam and resonating with the audience. Meanwhile, the team “Five Guys” that won the 3rd place with their work “Mom” also has 3 SPC members, who are CHEN ZIQI, ZHOU YUTONG and ZHANG CHENERYUE. All students improved responsible citizenship, expression skill and teamwork in the busy production process. This competition also received strong support from Judiciary Police.


2023年10月18日晚,由澳門大學學生事務部與學生會傳播學會合辦、澳門司法警察局支持的首屆 “社會時事短片拍攝比賽” 在澳門大學E31舉行。由紹邦書院院生組成的隊伍“新型詐騙團” ,憑藉作品《黑盒劇場》進入決賽並斬獲亞軍。該團隊由唐浩源、王俊、劉欣、田野、李響、朱俊恆以及一眾SPC院生會宣傳部成員組成。他們的作品通過生動的故事情節、到位的演員表演和精心的後期製作,重點突出了詐騙手段的 “層出不窮、無孔不入” ,以及被詐騙後的 “痛徹心扉、悔不當初” ,以此展現詐騙的巨大危害,引起了觀眾的關注和共鳴。與此同時,憑藉作品《媽媽》取得季軍的 “Five Guys” 團隊中亦有3名成員來自紹邦書院,她們是陳子祺、周鈺彤和張陳爾玥。在製作短片的過程中,同學們鍛煉了公民責任心、傳意表達能力和團隊合作,受益良多。

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