Guest Fellow

Mr. HUEN Chung Yuen, Ian
Guest Fellow, Shiu Pong College
Mr. HUEN Chung Yuen is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Aptorum Group Limited. He has over 18 years of global asset management experience and previously covered the U.S. healthcare sector as an equity research analyst at Janus Henderson Group plc (formerly known as Janus Capital). Mr. HUEN was the financial advisor in the sale of Seng Heng Bank Limited (Macau) to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in 2007 and was appointed as the vice president of the Board of General Meeting in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Capital Limited in March 2007 for a term of 12 years until March 2019. As a trustee board member of the Dr. Stanley HO Medical Development Foundation, Mr. HUEN facilitates advisory, development funding, access to research resources across Asia and continues to establish relationships with leading academic institutions to propel innovations in healthcare. Mr. HUEN graduated from Princeton University with an A.B. degree in Economics in June 2001, earned a MA in Comparative and Public History from CUHK in June 2016. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”).
Alumni Fellow

Mr. WONG Tin Chon, Michael
Alumni Fellow, Shiu Pong College
黃天俊先生是多元藝術工作者、心理學碩士,從事插畫、動畫、雜誌、副刊專欄作者、戲劇和電影等跨媒體的藝術工作。現任澳門漫畫從業員協會會長,金龍獎及金海豚獎評委。他的插畫作品曾在北京、石家莊、上海、杭州、重慶、武漢、瀋陽、廣州、澳門、香港、臺灣及韓國等地展覽。主要著作包括:《星戰百科》、《黃詹聯婚──婚前準備手冊》、《橫街窄巷》、《MASTER RING》及《世界遺產澳門歷史城區》、《澳門教堂》、《澳門成功申遺十週年》、《澳門漫畫口述歷史》、《澳門廟宇》、《澳門回歸雕塑》、《澳門孫中山》、《澳門冼星海》、《澳門鄭觀應》及《澳門盧家》等。該系列總銷量近三萬本,成功打造《漫畫澳門系列叢書》IP。2015年,憑《漫畫澳門系列叢書》獲香港頒發「最佳繪本及獨立漫畫」獎項及《亞太區最佳教育漫畫獎》等國際獎項。2016年12月,憑《澳門成功申遺十週年》獲「新光獎」中國西安第五屆原創動漫大賽最佳漫畫獎入圍獎。2017年獲得第21屆APHCA創意紙圖設計優異獎。2018年獲得第22屆APHCA創意紙圖設計優異獎、「MAD! 亞太動漫大獎2018」的「最佳小說漫畫獎」等。