
假如你也曾有這樣的困擾,快點來參加紹邦書院個人成長講座之「UPGRADE 你個腦」吧!講師將教授大家如何更有效地記憶單字!

活動名稱: 「UPGRADE 你個腦,3種超強記憶法,如何打造10倍單字記憶法」
日期: 9月9日(星期三)
時間: 15:30-17:30
地點: G026
語言: 廣東話、普通話

查詢: 8822 9621 /

備註: 此活動計算在書院畢業活動要求內。


How good is your memory? Are you suffering from memory loss, especially when you are studying? Here is the chance to learn the short cut of memorize words!
You are cordially invited to join SPC Personal Growth Talk- “Upgrade your memory”.
Topic:  “Upgrade Your Memory, 3 super effective methods to memorize 10 times as much”
Date:  Sept 09 (Wed)
Time:  15:30-17:30
Venue:  G026
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin

Online Application:

Enquiry: 8822 9621 /
Remarks:  Attendance in this workshop will be counted toward College Graduation Requirement.