2015年10月30日晚19:30,紹邦書院三層的RA/RT們和Floor Committee的成員為三層全體宿生在G026舉辦了“紹邦放映室”之《模仿遊戲》電影放映活動。同學們通過觀看影片《模仿遊戲》了解艾倫.圖靈生平,以他的人生為參照,警惕性格孤僻對人生的負面影響,同時樓層成員彼此溝通交流期中考試后自己對於大學生活學習的感受,以及如何面對學習困難。本次活動旨在培養樓層成員的溝通能力,電影文學閱讀能力。豐富同學們在緊張繁重的期中考試后的生活,放鬆身心,一同明白生命的意義。(紹邦書院 3F RA 魏潤澤)


RA, RT and Floor Committee of the third floor held “SPC Biopic Movie Screening: The Imitation Game” in the evening of 30 October 2015 at 19:30, in Shiu Pong College. Through watching the movie, residents in 3rd floor understood the life and problem of Alan Turing so as to know the negative impact of unsociable character on human. Participants also shared their feelings after Mid-term test. This activity let them know more about how to face problem in learning and use positive mind to deal with it. (SPC 3F RA Jacky)


3F Activity (2)

Introducing movie/介紹電影

3F Activity (1)

Introducing movie/介紹電影

3F Activity (3)

Q&A / 問答環節