At Shiu Pong College’s 2nd High Table Dinner (2019-2020): “Creativity, Imagination and Innovation” by Professor Jonathan Hart

On November 1, 2019, Shiu Pong College (SPC) successfully held its 2nd High Table Dinner of the academic year 2019-2020. The Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Professor Jonathan Hart, was the keynote speaker of this event. The dinner attracted about 220 guests and students, including Professor Ge Wei, Vice Rector (Research) of the University of Macau; Professor Hu Weixing, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences; Professor Zhang Benzi, Master of Shiu Pong College; Professor Hélio Alves, Director of Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre; Professor Sean Li, Registrar of City University of Macau; Professor Li Defeng from Faculty of Arts and Humanities. In addition, 11 College Fellows, College Affiliates and alumni also attended the dinner.

At the opening remark, Maser Zhang emphasized the importance of whole-person education. SPC strives to produce students with a global vision, an international outlook, and broad knowledge of different cultures and societies. As a tradition of SPC, he then rang the bell to start the High Table Dinner. The climax of the dinner was highlighted by Professor Hart’s keynote speech entitled “Creativity, Imagination and Innovation: How words can inspire us”. Professor Hart cited Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Newton, Marie Curie and Einstein as examples to share his ideas about creativity, imagination and innovation. He concluded that scientists and artists, men and women, make mistakes and also make discoveries through words and numbers.  Professor Hart’s passionate speech engaged the audience fully and engendered an interactive atmosphere.

The presentation of the 2019 SPC Outstanding Student Group Award was also held in the same evening. This scholarship is to award students for their outstanding contribution in SPC’s longitudinal and experiential programs and interest groups. The longitudinal and experiential programs are: English Program, Choir, Student Ambassador Team, Dream Building Team, Shanxi Service Learning Team, Short Film Production Workshop and Debate Team. The interest groups are: Football Team, Cheerleading Team, Basketball Team, Table Tennis Team and Badminton Team.

The dinner was interspersed with three performances: “Cowboy and sailor’s show under lemon tree” performed by Ginnie Liang, Wilbert Choi, Anson Cheong, Charlie Guan, Co Co Chan and Christina Chen; “A thousand years” music composition by Catherine Zhao and Kaspar Lao and the final performance “Perhaps love” by College choir. The dinner was truly a memorable event for all guests and students.

紹邦書院高桌晚宴圓滿舉行 哈特教授分享創新能力

2019-2020學年紹邦書院第二次高桌晚宴於2019年11月1日圓滿舉行。是次晚宴由加拿大皇家學會藝術人文學院院士喬納森․哈特教授擔任主題演講嘉賓,並吸引了約220名嘉賓及師生參與,嘉賓包括﹕澳門大學副校長(研究)葛偉教授、社會科學學院院長胡偉星教授、紹邦書院院長張本梓教授、中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心主任Hélio Alves教授、澳門城市大學教務長李樹英教授、人文學院李德鳳教授,以及11名書院導師及校友。


