Farewell Sharing by College Master –“You are the Light of the World: The Path toward Realizing a Dream”

The Second High Table Dinner was successfully held at Shiu Pong College 

The second High Table Dinner of the academic year 2018/2019 was held successfully at Shiu Pong College on November 29, 2018. This is the last High Table Dinner which Professor Kenneth Leung hosted as the College Master before his departure in December after five years of fruitful service. This meaningful occasion was attended by Professor Lionel Ni (Vice Rector of Academic Affairs), Mr. Paul Pang (Dean of Students), twenty other guests, ten alumni and two hundred students.

Professor Leung delivered a speech entitled “You are the Light of the World: The Path toward Realizing a Dream”, sharing with the audience the story of Shiu Pong College and his experiences here. Five years ago, Professor Leung came to SPC with visions and passion. At that time, the college only took up the 7th floor of the current building, with only thirteen students. Despite the humble beginning, Professor Leung drafted various plans and proposals for the development of the college. In addition, he started the English Table during which time students practiced spoken English and discussed various life issues with voluntary tutors. After five years, around five hundred students study and live at SPC. There are also a rich variety of longitudinal programmes and one-off activities. The English programme — which consists of the English Table,English Camp, English Day, Overseas Summer Programs and other English-related learning activities — and the Dream Building Team have become the signature programmes of the college. With the support of College Master, other student organizations such as the House Association and the Floor Committees have been established. Shiu Pong College has become a big family and a shelter for its resident students. Through various programmes and activities, students develop their life values and experience different cultures, undergoing personal growth development. What’s more, students gain fond memories.

Professor Leung’s speech was followed by different presentations, with Professor Katrine Wong (Head of Centre of Teaching and Learning Enhancement), Mr. Leo Che (functional head of administrative staff at SPC), Mr. Willian Wang (alumnus) and Mr. Jack Lin (Year 4 student) sharing their memories of their interaction with Professor Leung and Mrs. Leung. Then, a special gift was presented to them by Song Hongze (Chairman of House Association) and Hao Yaokun (Representative of Resident Tutors/Resident Assistants) on behalf of the whole college’s students. More sharing sessions followed, with Mr. Binky Ding (alumnus), Miss Savanna Leong (Year 4 student) and Mr. Ollie Xu (Year 3 student) coming to stage and thanking Professor Leung and Mrs. Leong for their effort in organizing various programmes and helping students grow.

The College Choir brought the occasion to a climax with the song “Born to Love”. “All you have to do is shine your light. It will dissipate the darkness.” The song resonated in the dining hall, with every verse in the lyrics telling the dream and mission of Shiu Pongers.

This High Table Dinner was also the occasion at which the newly launched “Hall of Fame” awards were presented to three alumni for their outstanding and lasting contribution to the development of various programmes in Shiu Pong College, namely, Mr. Rex Huang, Miss Mandy Hong, and Mr. Wing Lau.

The finale of the High Table Dinner was presented by representatives of the Dream Building Team who performed the song “Give Love”, thanking Professor Leung and Mrs. Leung for their love of SPC and its students. Their departure is definitely not an end. “Spread love readily, in our long road ahead, there will be healing for pain and suffering with your blessings”. Remembering their teaching, SPC students will pass on the spirit of love from generation to generation, living as “the light of the world”. All participants then released the balloons they had been holding in their hands, a symbol of passing on the SPC spirit — Love never ends.


院長臨別分享 “你們是世上的光—圓夢之路”



梁偉賢院長在晚宴上以 “你們是世上的光—圓夢之路” 為題,訴說他在書院的故事和心得。五年前,梁院長懷著滿腔的教育理想和熱情來到澳門大學紹邦書院。那時,這所 “書院” 只有一層,全院學生人數為13人。即便如此,他堅持每天設計教育計劃、撰寫方案,為書院的未來悉心打算。梁院長帶領學生成立了英語桌,除了幫助他們學習英語,也一起感悟人生。漸漸地,五年間,書院的學生越來越多,如今已經有約五百位學生在書院內生活和學習,各種長期體驗式學習活動及一次性活動更是豐富多彩,英語系列活動和築夢小隊更發展成為書院的標誌性活動。在院長的支持下,書院院生會、樓層委員會等學生組織也相繼成立。紹邦書院成為了每位學生生活和學習的大家庭、避風港,同學們在這裡歡渡大學的四年時光,參加的各種活動幫助他們學習正確的價值觀、感悟世界各地多種多樣的文化,實現全人發展。在這裡,每位同學都收穫了許多,留下珍貴及美好的回憶。


緊接著,由書院合唱團獻唱 “為愛而生”,將全場晚宴的氣氛推向高潮,整個大廳充滿著動人的音韻, “只要你願意,小小亮光,能在黑暗裡照亮” ,一句句歌詞點出紹邦人肩負的重要使命。

然後是頒發 “Hall of Fame” 證書的環節,這新項目的設立,旨在加許學生領袖對書院的貢獻,鼓勵同學在其崗位上成為楷模、成為照亮世上的光。梁院長和學生事務長彭執中先生一起為 “Hall of Fame” 的三名得獎者,分別是﹕黃仕欣校友、熊嘉敏校友及劉穎聰校友,頒發了這一特殊的榮譽。

最後,築夢小隊的同學獻唱 “讓愛傳出去”,感謝院長及院長夫人創辦了充滿愛的紹邦書院,他們的榮休,絕非愛的終結,就好像歌詞一樣 “讓愛傳出去,那前方漫漫人生路,有你的祝福,沒有過不去的苦”,同學們會銘記院長和院長夫人的教導,不管前路有多困難,也會好好傳承著這份愛,延續紹邦精神,成為世上的光。獻唱結束,全體參與者將手上汽球放飛,喻意紹邦精神會薪火相傳,愛永不止息。至此,紹邦書院2018-19學年第二次高桌晚宴在溫馨感人的氛圍中正式圓滿落幕。

College Master Prof. Kenneth Leung sharing his experience in realizing the dream of helping students to become the light of the world.


Prof. Katrine Wong, admin head Leo Che, alumnus Willian Wong and Year 4 student Jack Lin sharing their work and learning experience at SPC.


Studetns Song Hongze and Hao Yaohkun presented to Master Leung a collection of words of blessing on behalf all students.


College Choir presenting the “Born to Love” to the audience.


彭執中先生、梁偉賢院長及梁太太向熊嘉敏校友(由梁立宜同學代領)、黃仕欣校友及劉穎聰校友頒發 ”Hall of Fame” 證書
Dean of students Mr. Paul Pang, Master Leung and Mrs. Leung presenting the Hall of Fame certificate to Mandy, Rex and Wing.


Dream Building Team ending the evening’s program with the song “Give Love”


Group picture of all HTD participants filling the dining hall to capacity.