Floor Activity: Fighting!  Black Sands Hiking!

On October 31th, 2015, an activity titled “Fighting!  Black Sands Hiking! ”, which was organized by the Sui Pong College Floor 1, 4 and 7 RTs & RAs, was successfully conducted at the Black Sands Beach. The participants enjoyed the fun of hiking while appreciated natural scenery, and actively interacted with fellow students during game and barbecue times with their mentally and physically relaxed.

Though it was a holiday and there were many tourists on the beach, the plan was carried forward smoothly. Led by RT and RAs, all firstly walked through the Ancient Path of Zhu Wan, which of engaging, then went down the hill straight to the Black Sands Beach. After arriving, some the students started to prepare for the fire and food, prepare materials, and so on. Other students were playing team games. Some foreign students also took part in the activity. (By LU Bing Hua, SPC resident on Floor 7 )




活動當日,參與的同學都興致頗高,儘管假日的黑沙海灘遊人如織,但並沒有影響活動的展開。在RT、RA的帶領下,大家首先徒步走過風景如畫的竹灣盤山古道,隨後下山繼續向黑沙海灘徒步前進。一路上笑語不斷,大家在放鬆身心的同時也增進了感情。到達黑沙海灘之後,一部分同學開始準備燒烤環節,對生火、食材配備等任務進行了分工合作,另一部分同學開始了集體遊戲。生火的過程困難重重,大家一起出謀劃策,同行的外國友人也參與其中,最後將火成功生起。燒烤的過程雖然簡單,但十分愉快。相聚談天的美好經歷讓每個參與者都記憶深刻,臨近尾聲時,雖然預先準備的食材數量略顯不足,但在大家相互謙讓和體諒之下,問題得以圓滿解決。參與活動的同學大多表示,通過參加本次活動,身心得到了放鬆,並且結交了許多朋友。(文 紹邦書院七樓宿生 魯冰花)


同學們在黑沙灘旁的燒烤聚餐The participants enjoyed near the Hac Sa Beach.

同學們在黑沙灘旁的燒烤聚餐The participants enjoyed near the Hac Sa Beach.

同學們行至黑沙公園山石旁的空中棧道 The participants arrived at Hac Sa Park Skyway beside the Mountain Rock

同學們行至黑沙公園山石旁的空中棧道 The participants arrived at Hac Sa Park Skyway beside the Mountain Rock

同學們在黑沙公園入口處合影 The participants took a group photo at the Entry of the Hac Sa Park.

同學們在黑沙公園入口處合影 The participants took a group photo at the Entry of the Hac Sa Park.