Seminar on Chinese Traditional Culture at Shiu Pong College – Ink Painting Appreciation Seminar 1: An Overview on Chinese Ink Painting and Bamboo Appreciation

On November 7, Dr. Henry Ho of the Faculty of Law was invited to deliver the first of a 4-part seminar-talk series on traditional Chinese culture – “China’s Neolithic cultures and traditional Mozhu arts(墨竹)” at Shiu Pong College. About 40 SPC students participated in this seminar.

Dr. Ho first gave an overview on Chinese history, taking the students on a journey back in time, exploring the various cultures in the Neolithic period, including the Yang Shao culture(仰韶文化), Ma Jia Yao culture(馬家窯文化) and the Ban Shan culture(半山文化).

He gave a thorough explanation of the underlying meanings of symbols and pictures found on ancient potteries, such as frogs, fish, wan(卐) and X, and the relationship between these symbols and Chinese characters, suggesting that these symbols are most likely the predecessor of the modern-day Chinese characters.

He then proceeded to the topic of Mozhu, introducing famous artists such as Wu Dao Zi(吳道子), Wang Wei(王維), SuShi(蘇軾) and Wen Tong(文同), etc., analyzing their art works and distinguishing their different characteristics.

The second part of the seminar-talk series on flower painting will be given by Dr. Ho again in the second semester.







Dr. Henry Ho explaining the various cultural stages in the Neolithic period


About 40 SPC students attending the seminar talk



Master Leung inquired about the uniqueness of ink painting
