Seminar Talk at Shiu Pong College – The Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Misconceptions and Truth”


On November 26, Professor Leung Siu Wai, from the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, delivered a seminar talk on “The Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence(AI): Misconceptions and Truth” at Shiu Pong College. About 30 SPCers participated in this seminar.

Professor Leung introduced the topic by mentioning a science fiction movie — “2001: A Space Odyssey” , challenging students to think about how AI has affected human’s daily life. He then explained that AI is not the same as computer science. AI did not have well-established procedures or well-defined methods for research. It aims to explore the mystery and unknown areas of science technology. Professor Leung also quoted a renowned scholar — John Launchbury — who divided the development of AI into three waves, namely, Handcrafted Knowledge, Statistical Learning and Contextual Adaptation. The seminar was summed up by quoting Dr. Lee Kai Fu who said that even though our routine work can be gradually replaced by machines, machines are not equipped with the ability to love, and this is the ultimate difference between human beings and machines.


紹邦書院講座—人工智能 (AI) 基礎: 迷思與真相

十一月二十六日,澳門大學中華醫藥研究院梁少偉教授蒞臨紹邦書院,主持”人工智能 (AI):  迷思與真相”講座,吸引了約30名同學出席。

講座開始,梁教授以科幻電影“2001太空漫遊”(2001: A Space Odyssey),引導學生思考人工智能如何影響人類生活。他進一步解釋,人工智能不等同於計算機科學,人工智能沒有既定的研究步驟,也沒有固定的研究方法,它旨在探索人類在科學技術上的未知領域。梁教授並引用著名學者John Launchbury的觀點,將人工智能的發展歷史大致劃分為三個階段,分別是手工知識階段(Handcrafted Knowledge)、統計學習階段(Statistical Learning)以及語境順應階段(Contextual Adaptation) 。他最後以知名華人學者李開復博士的演講為總結,指出縱然常規工作可被機器逐漸取代,但機器不會具備愛的能力,而這正正是人類與機器最大的不同之處。


Prof. Leung Siu Wai explaining the misconceptions of AI



About 30 SPC students attending the seminar talk




Master Leung sharing his views on AI
