Shiu Pong College Celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival

On the evening of September 28, 2023, SPC held its Mid-Autumn Festival Garden Party which had been suspended for three years due to epidemic. This event was jointly organized by the House Association and all Floor Committees, who used various booth games and performances to bring a fun and warm three-hour experience. Before the event started, the students had already enjoyed the delicious “Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner” in the dining hall. Nine booth games including moon cakes, Chinese costumes, lantern riddles, pitch-pot, Cuju, poetry and other traditional cultural elements brought pure joy and helped students temporarily forget the pressure of exams. The puzzle game with role-playing by real people made participants immersed in it, which was designed with great effort by the organizers. Five excellent performances presented by the College Master, Solaris (College band), rap group, martial arts athlete, as well as singing and dancing lovers brought the event to a climax. As the students said, the light of the small lantern warms every inch of Shiu Pong College and shines into the hearts of every SPCers.


2023年9月28日晚,紹邦書院舉辦了因為疫情而闊別三年的中秋遊園會。本次活動由院生會和所有樓層委員會聯手舉辦,用豐富多彩的攤位遊戲和節目表演為同學們帶來了趣味而溫馨的三個小時。在活動開始之前,色香味俱全的 “書院食堂中秋特餐” 讓同學們大飽口福。活動的9個攤位遊戲包括月餅、華服、燈謎、投壺、蹴鞠、詩詞等傳統文化元素,帶來了簡單而純粹的歡樂,更幫助同學們暫時忘記了考試的壓力。組織者精心設計的真人互動解謎遊戲讓同學們沉浸其中、不能自拔。由書院院長、Solaris樂隊、說唱組合、武林高手、歌舞達人們帶來的5個精彩節目,更是將活動引向高潮。就像同學們說的,小小燈籠的光溫暖了紹邦書院的每一寸地方,更灑在每個紹邦人的心中。

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