Shiu Pong College floor activity — Bakery Party (sixth floor)

In the evening of November 8th, 2015, at 8pm, RT / RAs and floor committee members from the sixth floor hold a bakery party for the girls in G025. This activity provided a platform for all the participants to improve their friendships, enhance their practical abilities and also enrich their extracurricular life. Complying with the concept of healthy life, we taught and helped the students to make the cookies successfully, and fortunately we became the first group of people to use the ovens in SPC for baking.
The plan of this activity was raised by the members of the committee and the implementation was assisted by RT / RAs. In several hours of the activity, the girls measured the proportion of several materials carefully, blended the flour patiently, and used pastry bags, cartoon shape molds or hands to form the shape of the cookies. The participants explored their unlimited creativity to make each cookie unique. During the baking time, we also shared fruits, sago pudding with coconut milk and banana pancakes. Through laughs and mutual help, we created a warm and friendly atmosphere.


When the activity finished, the participants didn’t leave at once but to help RT/RAs clean the pantry. It was also a harvest that we found our resident students treated our college as their home. (Fanny HUANG, SPC RA of floor 6)


紹邦書院樓層活動—-Bakery Party (六層)

2015年11月8日晚八點,紹邦書院六層的RT/RA及樓層委員會的成員們爲六層全體宿生在G層茶水間舉辦了一次Bakery Party,作爲樓層提供每月一次的樓層活動之一,爲六層的女生們提供了一個增進友誼、提高動手能力、豐富課余生活的平台。遵循紹邦書院倡導健康生活的理念,帶領同學們成功地親手制作餅乾,並成爲書院烤箱的首批使用者。


活動結束後,宿生們沒有匆匆離開,而是幫助RT/RA一起恢複茶水間的整潔环境,把紹邦書院當作自己的家一樣愛護,這恰是活動能帶給我們的另一種收獲。(绍邦书院六楼楼层助理 黄方妮)


參加本次活動的紹邦六層女生合影 The girls took a group photo when they were learning to make the cookies.

The girls took a group photo when they were learning to make the cookies.

成品 Final product.

Final product.

紹邦六層女生正在學習製作餅乾 The girls were learning to make the cookies.

The girls were learning to make the cookies.