Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau:

Shiu Pong College held the Valedictory Dinner

The second High Table Dinner of the academic year of 2020-2021 was held successfully at Shiu Pong College (SPC) on April 28, 2021. Bearing the theme of “Tis the Season of Celebration” in honor of the graduating class of 2021, this special occasion was attended by Rector Prof. Yonghua SONG, Vice Rector (Research) Prof. Wei GE, Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Billy SO, sixteen other guests and more than one hundred students.

Before the dinner, all stood up and sang the College Anthem. Prof. Benzi ZHANG, the College Master, made an opening remark and rang the bell to kick off the event. As a tradition of SPC, the bell is not only to draw attention, but also to call for personal refection and to encourage students to gain a deeper understanding of life. Prof. Song was invited to deliver an inspiring speech entitled “Learning changes destiny. Education makes life.” Through his life stories sharing with humorous language, Prof. Song encouraged the students to strive for academic excellence in university as well as excellence in personal maturity, leadership skills and the ability to better serve the community. Five representative graduands, Ms. Kristy Kuan, Ms. Eileen Huang, Mr. Hertz Song, Mr. Stanley Cheng and Mr. Rodrigo Antão Baptista Costa shared their memories in the College and the University.

The event reached its climax when Prof. Zhang presented a thoughtful gift to the graduating class. The gift was a bouquet prepared by the junior SPCers under the guidance of Ms. Rebecca Lao of Faculty of Business Administration. The bouquets expressed the underlying love and gratitude for all the graduands. Wishing all graduands will serve as role models and make a positive difference wherever they go, as the light of the world. Two songs dedicated to the graduating class were performed by the College Choir, including “The Joy of the Snowflake” and “At Least I Have You”. The High Table Dinner came to an end with laughter and lively chit-chat among guests and students.

All participants strictly adhered to the Macao SAR Government’s and the University’s pandemic prevention guidelines, such as wearing masks at appropriate times and keeping social distance.

Honorable guests at the dinner include: Prof. Yonghua SONG, Rector; Prof. Wei GE, Vice Rector (Research); Prof. Billy SO, Vice Rector (Student Affairs); Prof. Cheng-Zhong XU, Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology; Prof. Chuang WANG, Dean of Faculty of Education; Prof. Zikang TANG, Director of Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering; Dr. Jianzhong WU, Librarian of University Library; Ms. Katrina CHEONG, Director of Communications Office; Prof. Tak-Wing NGO from Faculty of Social Sciences; Prof. Shu-Fai CHEUNG from Faculty of Social Sciences; Prof. Brian CHAN from Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Prof. Huaiyu SHAO from Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering; Prof. Zhe LI from Faculty of Law; Prof. Frank GONG from Faculty of Education; Prof. Tony QIN from Faculty of Business Administration; Dr. Kam-Hou VAT from Faculty of Science and Technology; Dr. Li WANG from Faculty of Health Sciences; Dr. Henry HO from Faculty of Law; Ms. Rebecca LAO from Faculty of Business Administration.




晚宴開始前,全體起立高唱院歌,然後由紹邦書院院長張本梓教授致開幕辭及敲鐘揭開序幕。在高桌晚宴上敲鐘是紹邦書院的傳統,鐘聲不單在於引起注意,更在於鼓勵學生對人生進行深刻的反思和感悟。宋校長以“讀書改變命運,教育成就人生”為題作主題演講。他以自身的經歷帶領學生探討教育的真諦,勉勵學生莫負韶華,努力追求卓越,充實自我,發揮專業所長回饋社會。五名應屆畢業生關銘欣、宋弘澤、程議毅、黃依琳及Rodrigo Antão Baptista Costa,分享了他們大學生涯的點點滴滴。



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