Shiu Pong College Welcomed National Day with Talent Show

On the evening of September 28, 2022, the talent show organized by Shiu Pong College was successfully held at E31 Theatre of the University of Macau. A total of 80 audience members and 21 performers participated in this meaningful event.

Professor TAM Sik Chung, the Interim College Master of SPC, made an opening remark to kick off the show. This event provided a platform for students to send blessings to their Motherland on the occasion of the upcoming National Day with various performances, including piano performance, magic show, Chinese Kung Fu show, Xiangsheng (A traditional style of Chinese comedy), dancing and singing performance etc. These wonderful performances by students brought a lively atmosphere to the event.



本次匯演由黃嘉祐同學和胡藝恬同學擔當主持,並由紹邦書院代院長譚錫忠教授的致辭與祝願拉開帷幕。眾彩紛呈的節目貫通古今,歌舞交融,高潮迭起,為現場觀眾展示了一場美妙絕倫的活動盛典。最先開場的《KPOP舞蹈串燒》以熱情洋溢的舞蹈引起觀眾的陣陣驚歎;接著歌曲《追尋》用悠揚的旋律和其中蘊含的家國情懷深深感染了現場觀眾;此後,鋼琴獨奏《夢中的婚禮》旋律細膩婉轉,動人心弦;同時,神秘莫測的魔術表演《數字的回音》讓觀眾見證了奇跡,用意想不到的方式祝賀第73個國慶節;而後,武術《太極變奏曲》的新奇表演形式也令現場觀眾耳目一新;相聲《滿腹經綸》妙語連珠,引得滿場喝彩;最終,伴隨著青春洋溢的《SPC Freestyle》的歌聲,本次匯演也畫下了圓滿的句號。



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