SPC ActivityYou Can Think As A Scientist

How does one think like scientist? Dr.Wong Muk Yan, Assistant Professor of Department of Social Science of Hang Seng Management College, demonstrated how we can think like a scientist in a SPC seminar talk: “You Can Think As A Scientist”. The talk was held on Sep 16, 2015, which aims at inspiring students to observe and think as a scientist.

To introduce participants into scientific thinking, Dr.Wong made use of a series of games to stimulate the participants and give them a preliminary thought about scientific thinking. Followed by group discussion, participants discuss lively about some questions posed by Dr. Wong. At the end, Dr. Wong wrapped up and shared his understanding to scientific thoughts with the participants, also encouraged them to think like scientists. The whole event was successfully done in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Prof. Kenneth Leung, College Master of SPC, also attended the talk and gave remarks at the beginning and at the closing of this activity. He hoped the participants can keep what Dr. Wong said in mind and to apply in their daily lives.



科學家的思維跟平常人有什麼分別呢? 來自香港恆生管理學院的黃沐恩博士為紹邦書院為同學舉辦了名為“您可以像科學家一樣思考“的講座,目的為激發學生的觀察能力和思考能力,讓學生能像科學家一樣思考問題。


紹邦書院梁偉賢院長在活動的開始和結束致詞,鼓勵同學發揮科學精神,亦把黃博士的話銘記於心,並且運用在日常生活中。(文  紹邦書院學生 祁琪 鄧芷恩)


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  1. 本次活動邀請了香港恆生管理學院的黃沐恩博士作為活動的演講嘉賓。
  2. 黃博士首先透過了一系列的小遊戲與學生們進行互動,在讓學生們對科學家的思考方式有了初步瞭解。
  3. 黃博士最後分析講解
  4. 黃博士勉勵學生在面對不同事物上都應以科學家的思考方式來思考問題。
  5. 梁偉賢院長在活動的開始和結束致詞。