SPC English Day with Japanese Students from Hyogo University 2019

On 12th March, Shiu Pong College (SPC) organized the second English Day welcoming Japanese Students from Hyogo University.

There were nearly 30 participants, including 20 SPC students, 4 students from Hyogo University, 3 English volunteer tutors and 3 University teachers. The program started at 8:00 p.m., with participants enjoying dinner in tables of 6 while chatting with one another and introducing themselves in English. This was followed by 2 SPC students sharing the history, cultural heritage and special cuisine of Macao. In return, the Japanese students introduced their university life and the culture of their hometown in Japan. The English Day ended with a campus excursion led by SPC students.

The event provides a valuable opportunity for SPCers to broaden their horizon and increase their understanding of different countries and cultures. The next English Day will be held in March 2020.


紹邦書院活動: 與日本兵庫縣立大學學生共度英語日





張本梓院長, 兵庫縣立大學的松平教授與學生們一同用餐和交流

Master Zhang, Prof. Matsuhira from Hyogo University and students enjoying group chatting during dinner



SPC students introducing the special cuisine of Macau


SPC student asking question



Japanese student presenting memento to SPC student