
Shiu Pong College Personal Growth Talk
Dare you talk about life and death directly?

What are the five most asked questions before one dies?
What is the meaning of life?
Do you fear of death?
Which way of death you prefer?
At what age do you want to die?
Is there only nothingness or a new life after death?

Speaker:  Dr. Anselm Lam
Dr. Lam received his licentiate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and his Doctorate in Political Science from the Boston College in the United States. His research interests and publications focus on political philosophy, social policy, business ethics, and social justice. He is currently teaching Critical Thinking, Ethics, Life and Death, and Business Ethics.

Date: Sept 24, 2015 (Thu)
Time: 17:30-19:00
Venue: SPC G026
Language: Cantonese, supplemented with Mandarin and English
Application Deadline: 22 Sept 2015

Registration link:

Remark: Attendance in this workshop will be counted as College Graduation Requirement.