SPC Resident Student Won an Individual Championship in Macau Students Paper Plane Design Competition

U Kin Lok, a resident student from Shiu Pong College (SPC) won an individual championship in the fifth “Celebration of Macau’s return · Triumph in the Skies ── Macau Students Paper Plane Competition” and the first “Greater China Students Paper Plane Competition”, which is hosted by the Macao Institute of Invention and Innovation and sponsored by Macao Foundation, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, and co-organized by The Scout Association of Macao and General Association of Chinese Students — Macau.

The regional competition, which was held at the Macao Polytechnic Institute Stadium on November 29 2015, attracted a total of 28 schools and 217 persons from the greater China to attend.

U Kin Lok and his team won the individual championship in the fancy flying style category, placed second in the longest duration of flight team category and third in the longest distance travelled team category. Shiu Pong College of the University of Macau also won the Best Organization Award in this event.



紹邦書院宿生獲得2015第五屆“慶回歸 · 衝上雲霄──全澳學生紙飛機大賽”暨第一屆“兩岸四地學生紙飛機大賽”項目冠軍。本次比賽由澳門創新發明協會主辦,澳門基金會、澳門理工學院、教青局資助,澳門童軍總會、澳門學聯協辦,吸引了兩岸四地共二十八所學校、二百一十七人報名參加,於11月29日在澳门理工學院體育館內舉行。紹邦書院的余健樂同學等組成的隊伍分別獲得花式項目個人冠軍、飛行時間最長團體亞軍、飛行距離最遠團體季軍獎項。澳門大學紹邦書院也獲得本次比賽最佳組織大獎。


SPC Team won several prizes in Macau Student Paper Plane Flying Contest.

SPC Team won several prizes in Macau Student Paper Plane Flying Contest.

Shiu Pong College of the University of Macau won the Best Organization Award.

Shiu Pong College of the University of Macau won the Best Organization Award.