SPC’s 3rd High Table Dinner of AY 2017/2018

On April 25, 2018, Shiu Pong College (SPC) hosted the 3rd High Table Dinner (HTD) of this academic year. Like last year, this was the last HTD with a theme of bidding farewell to graduands with blessings. The dinner was full of honorable guests and friends of the College, including College donor representatives Mr. Billy Hung and Mrs. Simmy Hung, director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement, Professor Katrine Wong, 11 College Fellows and Affiliates, 9 volunteers from Hong Kong and Macau who supported SPC’s English Programs and Short Film Production Workshop, as well as 66 graduands and more than 120 junior year students, who were the mainstay of the night of celebration.

The theme of this HTD was “T’s the Season of Celebration”. All graduands put on their graduation caps and gowns. The dinner started with a piano and violin duet performance “Give Thanks” by a senior SPCer Joejoe Wang and a freshman SPCer Antony Li expressing gratitude for the years of nurturing from the College. Next, SPC College Choir led the whole congregation to sing the College anthem, followed by a heart-felt song performance of “Keep Your Lamps”, touching all the graduands and guests. Then, three graduands reflected on their experience of living and learning at SPC in the past four years. Their sharing of the Shanxi Service Learning experience was particularly impressive, leaving audience deeply inspired by the experiential learning of SPC that can be meaningfully ingrained in the life of our students.

In the middle of the celebration, a junior SPCer Lily Jiang composed and presented a poem recital together with another SPCer Eric Ng and Master’s wife, Mrs Andrea Leung, to cheer our graduands. It was truly a moving piece.

Then, College Master, Professor Kenneth Leung proposed a toast to our guests and students, and presented a thoughtful gift to our donor’s representatives, Mr. Billy Hung and his wife. The first was a USB storage device containing posters of related SPC activities in the past four years, rendering a picture of the rich and diverse learning opportunities at the College, including knowledge-based one-off seminars and experience-based longitudinal programs, which are designed to stimulate personal growth of SPCers. The second is the 《The Shiu Pong College Story》, which shared SPC’s years of pioneer effort in finding a successful path to help students learn and grow effectively through experiential learning opportunities. The third souvenir is a collection of four research papers that embody the different stages of the SPC development. The papers focus on how UM’s “4-in-1” whole-person education model was experimented in SPC. The results are sharable with other residential colleges around the world. Moreover, the College has prepared a gift bag for each graduand, including a bear in graduation gown with embroidered SPC stitches, a badge with the College logo and a copy of 《The Shiu Pong College Story》.

The dinner ended with the song “Precious Corner” by graduand representatives and College Choir. Many students, inspired by the HTD atmosphere, stayed after dinner: chatting, laughing and taking pictures…



2018年4月25日,紹邦書院順利舉辦了本學年書院的第三次高桌晚宴。與往常年一樣,這是紹邦書院本學年最後一次高桌晚宴為即將畢業的同學們送上祝福。這次晚宴特別邀請到書院捐贈人的代表孔慶全先生及夫人,教與學優化中心主任王嘉祺教授及長期支持書院的11名書院導師與9名港澳地區的「英語桌」和 「微電影」書院項目的志願者導師參加,而66位今年畢業的同學和超過120名本科生則成為了晚宴慶祝活動的主要骨幹。

本次高桌晚宴的主題是為畢業生寄語餞別,畢業生們都穿上畢業袍和學士帽。晚宴開始,首先是四年級學院生王雋涵和一年級院生李秉聰兩位為大家帶來鋼琴小提琴合奏一曲「Give Thanks」,表達對書院多年的栽培深懷感激。接著,書院合唱團帶領大家唱出院歌,又以直入人心的歌聲演唱歌曲「Keep Your Lamps」, 感動了參加晚宴的畢業班同學和在坐的觀眾,成為了當晚的一個亮點。隨後,三位畢業生代表為大家分享自己在紹邦書院這四年的生活及學習經歷,點點滴滴的樂趣與回憶,尤其是聽到他們對山西義教經歷的分享,真令人讚嘆書院的教育確實能為每位生活在這裡的同學留下美好而有意義的記憶足跡。





Prof. Leung introducing the graduands who will share their experience and learning outcome at SPC.


Poetry recitation by Mrs. Leung and 2 students.


Presentation of gift to graduands


Song dedicated to graduands


Mr. Antony Li was playing violin.


Prof. Leung was presenting gift to donor.


Group photo of donor, Prof. Leung, Mrs. Leung, High Table guests and representatives of graduands.


Group photo of Prof. Leung, Mrs. Leung, High Table guests and graduands.


All participants were listening to sharing from tutor of English Table.