To help others with a sincere heart – Venetian’s activity “Clean the world”

In the golden month of September, a global charity activity of “Clean The World” event, organized by the Sands and the Venetian Hotel Group, was opened on 26th September, with 55 students of the Dream Building Team and HA’s Social Services Group of Shiu Pong College participating. This activity aims at bringing care and love to the under-privileged people in less-developed areas of the world.

Students from SPC were divided into 5 groups of 11 each, with each group standing in a line to pack towels, soap, body wash, shampoo and other daily necessities into small hygienic packages. Each participating student took it seriously in the completion of the small task of their own. In the end, they put a love card in each package, filling it with deep love for the less-privileged.

In this joint effort, a total of 1,500 Macanese residents finished 75,000 packages of love. Each SPC group was able to complete 700 packages. During the day’s charity activity, many senior citizens and disabled people came to help, which touched the students deeply. Through this experience, SPC students learned that it is never too late to help others. – by Rebecca, Kiwi


——暨“威尼斯人‘clean the world’活動”

金秋九月,由金沙和威尼斯人酒店集團舉辦的威尼斯人全球慈善活動“clean the world”於9月26日下午在威尼斯人金光會展盛大開幕。此次活動以“利用身邊資源,給貧困地區的人們帶來衛生和健康”為主題,培養社會各界人士的奉獻精神。


這次活動一共完成了 75,000 個衛生福袋,而紹邦書院的同學取得了每組包裝700袋的好成績。不少同學在活動中看到很多長者和殘障人士幫忙,覺得很感動,認為無論什麼時候都應該懷著善心去幫助別人,希望幫助到的人能夠健康開心。在完成任務的過程中,我們付出了愛心,也得到了極大的滿足。

——霍欣桐 文



一個同學正在製作福袋。/ A student is making a hygienic bag of love.


最後在主席臺前的大合照。/ The group photo in front of the podium.


第四組同學包裝間隙的抓拍。/ The fourth group of SPC students.


每個人低頭認真地包裝福袋,高效流水線作業。/ Everyone was focusing on packaging each hygienic bag, with high efficiency.